Community Affairs Environmental Enforcement Office
210 E. Corpus Christi St.
Beeville, TX 78102
Office: 361-621-1553
Fax: 361-492-5992
Henrietta Johnson, Admin. Secretary
The Community Affairs Environmental Enforcement Office Hours:
Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm with lunch from 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm.
Note: Office hours may vary due to field work. Please call 361-621-1553 in advance to make sure someone is available.
- Permits are issued Monday-Friday 8:oo am- 4:00 pm
NO permits will be accepted after 4:00 pm
- All permit information may be sent to the Admin Secretary email address, & cc
the director email to assure the paperwork is received.
- You must bring all proper documentation to the office for the permit to be completed.
Please contact our office to ensure you have all the proper documents.
- Permit payments will be accepted by Cash, Check, or Money orders.
NO credit cards will be accepted.
- All OSSF Septic Systems Inspections will be conducted on Tuesdays and Thursdays,
with a 24-hour advance notice.
Our Mission:
To Keep Bee County safe & clean for Present & future generations